So What's So Special About Private Label Articles Anyway?
By Allan Wilson
For many years now there has been a select group of smart individuals using articles as content on their websites which has resulted with them achieving the following things:
1. The ability to create lots of websites in different niches
2. Recognition as an authority in those specific niches because of quality content
3. Websites that endure the test of time and rate well in the search engines
4. Big profits from affiliate programs and/or Google Adsense
Of course the big secret is that these guys have not written the content themselves. Think about it... It would be an impossible task to write hundreds of pages of quality content for so many websites.
So how have they been doing it?
By paying Ghost Writers to write articles for them. There are a few places online where you can hire Ghost writers for anywhere from $5.00 to more then $25.00 per article.
Up until now these guys have pretty much had everything to themselves because let's face it not too many people can afford to hire ghost writers to consistently write articles for them. For every 200 new pages you would be facing a bill of $1000.00 on the lower end of the scale.
However times have changed...
Enter Private Label Articles.
There have been a number of private label article membership sites appear in recent times which now has provided the opportunity for the average person to create quality search engine friendly websites at a fraction of the cost.
Think about these membership sites as a sort of co-op where the owner pays the up front cost of hiring ghost writers to create articles and the members pay a small monthly fee to that owner to cover his or her costs and make a profit.
The beauty of private label articles is that there is no copywrite that comes with them so you can change the articles in anyway you wish.
You can create new titles, add more keywords, add more paragraphs, mix and match articles, link to affiliate programs and the biggest benefit of all you can create your own resource box which links back to your website.
Thanks to private label articles finding website content is now just that little bit easier.
About the Author: Want 200 private label articles every month? Then visit Allan Wilson's and get started today.
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