Traffic Exchanges & Online Opportunities

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Going Self-Employed – A Few Handy Hints

By John Sheridan

The day you decide to take the plunge and work for yourself will be one of the most life-changing choices you ever make, whether starting a company large or small, or as a freelance; from the very first moment of being self-employed, you and you alone will stand or fall by your decisions and actions. You will be responsible for steering your business through all its ups and downs, good times and bad times with no guarantee that everything will turn out right in the end.

When you are in charge the buck stops at one place. There is no management line to help with complications; no colleagues to share the blame for mistakes, there is only you to deal with any problems that crop up, only you to decide how those problems are dealt with, and only you to face the consequences of your decisions whether they turn out to be right or wrong. Whilst there are many pitfalls and worries in running your own business, there are by contrast also times of extreme satisfaction, personal achievements, financial rewards and periods when everything runs to perfection – it’s not all doom and gloom but it is most certainly very hard work.

There are important issues to be considered by anyone thinking of becoming self-employed and all of them should be given very serious thought. Assuming at this point that you know your chosen field of expertise enough to go it alone, sufficient time to plan the setting up of your business is vital. This part of the process may be a tedious and drawn-out exercise but it is necessary to try and ensure the smoothest possible start to your venture.

The most immediate priority is of course money. When you start working for yourself it is recommended that you have enough funds to support you (and your family if applicable) for at least three months, by which time you should hopefully be generating an income from your business. However, saving this amount of money would not be an easy task and so a great deal of forward planning and patience is an absolute must if you want to make it a viable alternative to a bank loan, especially if you have already borrowed money to start the business.

It is worth bearing in mind that a vast number of companies have a ‘cheque run’ on a designated day of every month to pay their suppliers. If you miss this day because you did not send your invoice soon enough you will not get paid until the next cheque run. Experience has taught me that they will rarely if ever deviate from this rule. It is in your best interests to send invoices as soon as possible; too late and you may have to get by for a month with little or no income.

A must-have for any business is a good accountant. How you choose one is usually a matter of pot luck or a referral from someone you know, the latter usually being the best way to find one. Whilst accountants are not exactly inexpensive, they will save you money in the long term. It would be a huge mistake to think that you could do their job better or cheaper than they could – unless of course you are an accountant yourself.

Many a person has tried to do without one to save money and have found themselves having all sorts of problems with the Inland Revenue because they have not filled in their return forms correctly or made glaring errors in their accounts. It is worth noting however that there are also the odd few small businesses whose financial arrangements are so straightforward that they can get by without an accountant although this is generally not the norm.

Opening a business bank account can be a helpful factor in running your new enterprise. It would be a wise precaution to keep personal finances separate from your business ones and a business bank account will enable you to do that. There are no sinister motives here; it simply makes sense to track and maintain company transactions from a dedicated account rather than having to identify and separate them from a statement that contains your personal banking details as well.

A useful point to bear in mind is that a good working relationship with your bank manager is an asset to any business large or small. A new business will find help and advice from their bank manager invaluable. There must be give and take though; you do have to be honest with the bank. If you are experiencing financial difficulties in business, don’t try to hide it – inform the bank as soon as possible, they can then decide how best to go about solving the problem quickly.

With your chosen accountant acquired and your business bank account open, two key components of your enterprise are now in place. Other things to think about are premises, equipment, supplies or maybe staff. As the principal character in your new company only you will know what other requirements are needed to complete your set-up in order to commence trading, and no doubt have been giving a serious amount of thought to these particular matters.

Apart from the points already mentioned there are a myriad of other considerations involved in setting-up your business. All of them must be addressed at some point but obviously in order of importance. At times all this may seem like an insurmountable task, but the very fact that you made the decision to work for yourself means that you possess the determination and drive needed to see it through.

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at: Mailto website:

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What I look for in a Website

By John Sheridan

As my occupation is that of a proofreader, one of the first things I look for in a website is quality copy; to me it’s important that the textual content is clear and concise with correct spelling and proper punctuation. Many websites I have looked at have sadly failed to follow this basic rule and the build emphasis has been centred on flashy eye-catching graphics, quite often at the expense of the copy.

Good use of graphics is obviously an asset to any website but there should also be an element of simplicity as well; a site should not be so laden with amazing images and effects that it detracts from its purpose. Too often, there are websites with so many things happening on them that the eye gets confused and doesn’t know where to look.

Graphics and copy should go hand-in-hand; they are there to compliment each other not compete with each other. The graphics should be capable of catching a visitor's eye enough to make them want to stay on the site; the copy should be short, sharp and to-the-point as most visitors to websites tend to 'scan read' what is on the page.

Navigation is also an important factor; there should not be too many menu options or superfluous pages, they can cause extreme boredom and have led to me leaving more than a few sites. This leads back to the simplicity theme. If other surfers are anything like me, then all they need from a website is well-written informative copy, subtle graphics and only essential menu options for ease of navigation.

This is only my personal opinion of what a website should be; obviously everybody has their own ideas and preferences and that's how it should be. Proofreaders are generally regarded to be pedantic people because they insist on everything being right. I don't see that as a bad thing - most people want things done correctly, because if it's not right - then surely it has to be wrong?

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at: Mailto: website:

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Monday, August 29, 2005

How to Sell a Feeling

By John Sheridan

To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them – it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody gets it right. What you must always bear in mind when you are selling something is that you are not selling an item or object – you are selling a feeling.

I was taught this particular lesson whilst working for a friend who was very much into NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) which studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. One small part of this vast subject centred on how people can be persuaded to relax and immediately place their trust in you if you use the language they want to hear; how do you know what they want to hear? It’s simple, they will supply the clue, and as I stated previously – you just have to listen to them.

The method is simple; there are some people that are audio dominant and will react to what you say to them; there are others that are visually dominant and will respond more to what they see. The crucial point is that you have to get the language right to get either of these two groups wanting to buy from you. The following examples illustrate how this is done.

Imagine you are working in a store that sells music systems and your first potential customer walks in and says to you, “I would like to look at a CD player please.”

The use of the word ‘look’ suggests that they are visually dominant so your reply must be in the same vein by using ‘sight’ words such as;

“Ok sir/madam, let me ‘show’ you this one.” or “Could you ‘see’ this in your lounge?” or “The finish on this model ‘looks’ great.”

The person may not even switch it on but could still end up buying it because it looks good. Using these types of expressions will create a comfortable feeling in the buyer because they perceive you to be on their wavelength; the probability of them buying from you should increase significantly.

For the audio dominant person, the same technique is applied but this time using ‘sound’ words. This time a person walks in and says, “I would like to listen to a CD player please.” “Ok sir/madam how does this one ‘sound’ to you?” or “Can you ‘hear’ the difference between this one and the other?” Again, listen to what they are saying and tailor your conversation to suit.

If you use ‘sight’ words with an audio dominant person, it will create an uncomfortable feeling for them that will possibly result in them leaving the store without a purchase. The same obviously applies to using ‘sound’ words with a visually dominant person; it causes conflicting feelings because the language doesn’t feel right to them. This takes us back to the earlier point that you are selling a feeling and not an object.

It is worth noting that a vast number of people worldwide regard the use of NLP in business as essential but equally there are those who are not entirely convinced of its effectiveness. I have seen and indeed occasionally used the language technique myself but with only a moderate degree of success. I am sure there are far superior and experienced NLP practitioners out there who cannot only close a sale at nearly every attempt, but make it look easy at the same time.

Give it a try and see if it works for you. You may not get any results or you could be a roaring success. Either way, it should be interesting, and with a bit of effort and persistence – who knows?

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at: mailto: website:

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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Working From Home - Could You Cope?

By John Sheridan

It is a well-known fact that more and more people are choosing to work from home rather than face the daily agony that is otherwise known as commuting. There are many companies that are even encouraging this practise amongst their permanent staff as a viable alternative to travelling to work.

In most cities, workers will have to commute to and from the office, which depending on where they live could mean adding an extra one or two hours to their average day. At its very best commuting can be a tiresome and stressful activity made up of countless public transport delays, shoulder-to-shoulder contact with complete strangers and to a large extent, mind-numbing routine.

This sort of start cannot possibly be conducive to a productive working day and at long last, there are a lot of companies beginning to realise this. However, it is worth mentioning those at the opposite end of the scale that actually thrive on running the commuter gauntlet morning and night and would never consider doing anything else, though I think they must be very much in the minority.

For many people, working from home has long been seen as the sole domain of freelancers, who many think get out of bed when they want to, start work and stop work when they want to and generally come and go as they please, which on occasion may be true, but more often than not it’s exactly the opposite as one vital requirement of working from home is self-discipline: without it, you may as well go back to commuting.

There are multiple distractions in the home that all too easily lure the unwary away from their work. There is no manager looking over your shoulder, nobody to tell you how long to have for lunch; you can wander away from your desk at any time you like. There might be a television programme you want to watch, the grass may need cutting, a visitor arrives or the dog needs walking. You can do all this if you want to and it sounds good doesn’t it? – until at the end of the working day you suddenly realise that you haven’t actually done much work at all whilst leaving a backlog to catch up on the following day.

However, once you are over the distraction stage it can be very rewarding to work in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of the home. You may find that you like the solitude in which to conduct your work, or welcome the fact that there isn’t a colleague constantly taking up your time for one reason or another; you could discover that you can think more clearly without having photocopiers, fax machines and telephone noises constantly assaulting your eardrums. One of the foremost pleasures would be not having to travel to work, affording you the luxury of an extra hour or two in the day to do what you want.

There is one piece of advice I would give to anybody who is thinking about working from home, and it is this: When you get up in the morning don’t attempt to start work wearing your dressing gown. Get properly dressed as you would if you were travelling to work. This is more psychological than anything as it puts you in the right frame of mind for the day ahead, even if it is only the living room or the kitchen you use as an office. If you slob around in a vest and shorts or your pyjamas you will not work to the best of your ability.

Working from home merits serious thought before you decide to take the plunge because it will not be to everyone’s taste; ironically, some people who tried it found that they preferred the daily battle of commuting to the comparative peace and quiet of their homes and subsequently returned to working at the office. To anyone working from home for the first time it will probably be a bit of a culture shock but at the same time exciting, and once you adapt to the different rules, learn to manage your time effectively you will gradually begin to enjoy it.

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at: mailto: website:

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Marketing a New or Small Business on a Budget

By John Sheridan

There are almost as many opinions and views on marketing as there are companies to market. The big names and multinationals will have an extraordinary amount of funding set aside in which to convey their marketing message to the masses.

The process will involve an inordinate amount of people, multiple marketing agencies, countless ‘creativity’ meetings and thousands of work-hours. From television adverts to full pages in the newspapers and glossy magazines, brand names and logos jump out at us and are instantly recognisable - such is the power of advertising on an extremely large budget.

Easily missed then in this marketing free-for-all are the smaller or new businesses. After the usually costly process of setting up a business with its requisite equipment, possibly an office or other type of premises, there is usually little or no funds available for marketing or advertising.

From the first trading day of a new business enterprise, the going is tough. It is small wonder therefore that most new businesses do little or nothing about marketing because of what they see as prohibitive costs.

There are instances of course where new businesses have originated from someone’s hobby or part-time occupation; in these cases, the market is usually already there and forming a company was the next logical step, immediate marketing was obviously not required to generate the first customer.

There are many advertising agencies that say there is no need for small businesses to spend a fortune on marketing. This is totally true, but what money a small business does have to advertise should be spent wisely and not just thrown at an agency that might end up failing to deliver. There are far cheaper and more effective ways to get a business on the map.

A website is essential to any business these days and will certainly be an asset. However, your site will be one amongst many millions of others and will not be of immediate use due to the nature of search engines and the way the Internet works in general; therefore you will need to look to other methods.

One of the most important things to bear in mind is not to run before you can walk.

Start small, start local. Unless you already have contracts from further afield, there is no point in casting nationwide for business when a vast amount is already likely to be on your doorstep.

Depending on what type of business you run, leaflets and flyers to other businesses or homes are a good way to get yourself known.

Always carry a business card with you they are invaluable, you never know when you are going to meet someone who wants printed contact details – hey presto! - Instant advertising.

If you have access to a computer, join an online business forum. They are an excellent source of information help and advice from people in the same situation as you. Even those in the same line of business as yourself will usually be happy to offer their help – don’t be afraid to take it, you can always return the favour.

Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for practical sound advice on any aspect of business. They are there to help and are extremely knowledgeable and friendly people.

Business breakfast clubs are normally held once a week in most towns and cities and are another rich source of information and a great place to make contacts, again, don’t forget to take your business cards with you.

The methods I have mentioned are by no means the only ways to market on a budget and have no doubt been written about before, and although they take lots of effort and are very time-consuming, they do produce results.

New and small business owners can often be the most innovative and creative marketers there are. They don’t have the huge budgets of the corporate giants; they don’t have large teams of creative designers, advertising executives, brainstorming committees, PR agencies or even a tea person! However, enterprising cash-strapped individuals are constantly striving to invent novel and cheaper methods of marketing their businesses, often with varying degrees of success. What must be reiterated though is that marketing and advertising need not cost a fortune, but can still be very effective depending on how you approach it.

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at:mailto: website:

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Friday, August 26, 2005

Your Website Copy Could be Letting You Down

By John Sheridan

A professionally presented business website is a powerful and essential marketing tool: it's the first thing prospective customers will look at before they decide to contact you. If the copy on your website is not written to an acceptable standard, it may be losing you customers. It’s not enough just to have amazing graphics and imagery: you need the words to make it complete. Is the spelling correct? Are punctuation marks in place? Does the copy make sense? These are questions that website designers should be asking themselves before they upload a new site.

One of the biggest flaws with website copy is inconsistency: for example the word ‘website’. Some sites spell it as one word, some as two words; as far as I am aware both are acceptable, but not both versions on the same site! In my opinion, a lack of consistency will deter a significant amount of would-be customers from using the services of a company that has not taken the trouble to proofread their website.

Poor spelling on a website is another costly but avoidable mistake.

The majority of visitors will leave the site very quickly if they find too many spelling errors. This again will give them the impression that the site owners don’t really care; and they would be right! Copy that has been ‘padded out’ with insignificant trivia is also a big turn-off for visitors – clear, concise and informative is the order of the day.

Anything containing textual content should as a matter of course be proofread: it's important that not only are mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar found and corrected, but that the text flows smoothly for the reader. The copy on a website should not be treated as the 'poor relation' of the project. You can have the most up-to-date, eye-catching graphics available but you will still need well-written copy to compliment them.

There are the odd few web design companies around that will happily inform visitors how they can supply them with a state-of-the-art website but then insert second-rate copy, which totally negates any good work they have achieved. This will reduce the initial impact of the site, and more often than not will have an adverse effect on business.

It pays to have the copy checked professionally, whether the design company has written it themselves or had it supplied by the client; it may cost a lot less than you think to have a website proofread - it could cost you considerably more if you don't!

Remember: if visitors to your site cannot find the information they are looking for because of badly written copy they will simply leave the site. The only people to benefit will be your competitors.

Copyright notice:This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at:mailto: website:

Article Source: - Invites you to join and get Free traffic.:

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

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