Traffic Exchanges & Online Opportunities

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Become An Affiliate – Run An Online Business

By Halstatt Pires

Are you looking for an online business that involves ZERO or minimal investment? If your answer is yes then read on.

Generally people think that to run a business they need to invest heavily. With the popularity of Internet increasing day by day you don’t have to invest even a single penny. Starting an online business can be one of the easiest ways to start a business and earn from home. You don’t even need an office. The only requirement is a computer with an Internet connection.

How to Start an Online Business with Minimal Investment

Now the question in your mind would be that if you don’t need an office, and you don’t need to invest then what do you need to do? You need to become an affiliate for a good company and start selling their products to earn commissions. For this you don’t need to have your own product but actually you are just promoting someone else’s product to get paid.

However, it should be made very clear that this does not mean you don’t have to work at all and by becoming an affiliate you can start getting money by merely sitting at home. After all, you need to promote the products through your web site or newsletter.

Get a Free Web Site

To have a web site you don’t need to be a web expert. Without knowing any web language you can create a web site which will be your virtual office. There are a lot of web sites offering free web space without any cost. Web sites such as provide an option where you can get a free web space. You just have to register yourself and you can easily develop your own web site by just clicking a few links. No need to have HTML knowledge as you can directly configure your site and choose different background colors for your web site. They even provide very useful tools like page hit counter to have a record of the number of visitors visiting your site.

Since free web site services almost always require you to show the advertisements of the company hosting your site, once you start earning money, it is often a good idea to pay a web hosting company to serve your web site.

Research Affiliate Companies

Don’t expect high returns from day one. Every business takes some time to establish and to earn profits. However, if you have spent time initially to set up your business right then it will have the potential to provide good returns over time. Do some research before you choose the right product to promote, that interests you and has good demand in the market. It is important to choose a product of your interest because you will be in a better position to convince people to buy the product if you have proper knowledge and interest regarding the product. Affiliate programs are not only related to products but also involve information sharing or offering some advice. Like advice on successful marriage, painting, learning a new language, woodworking, gardening, etc. You can offer your advice free of cost and use affiliate-marketing programs to earn money. Some of the sites where you can become an affiliate are and Once you choose a product from these web sites and promote those products then you can earn up to a very high commission on every product sold.

Promote Your Business

The success of an affiliate marketing business is promotion. If your site can draw people’s attention and then direct them to the affiliate company's web site then your earning potential is limitless.

To be successful it helps to spend time doing initial research to choose the right affiliate program that can give you maximum profits. Then you will need to follow through with a good marketing plan. While choosing the affiliate program, give thought to the process you’ll be following to promote the sales of the product. Since you would be more involved in the pre-sales, your web site should have good content regarding the product. If the conversion rate of the prospects to actual buyers is high from your site then you can consider yourself a good affiliate. Initial time spent on deciding the right product to promote is key to fetching good dividends later on.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is an Internet marketing consultant with - an Internet marketing firm in San Diego offering automated web site systems through


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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Analyzing The Competition – Check Indexes

By Halstatt Pires

The beauty of the Internet is the inherent open nature of competition. It is so open, you can check indexes when analyzing the competition to improve your site.

Analyzing the Competition

A key step to any search engine optimization effort is to analyze the competition. The simplest way to do this is to simply go to their site and look at the code. Most browsers let you do this by clicking the “view” tab and then selecting “source.”

You competition isn’t stupid. Many sites will bar browsers from showing source code using the above technique. If your competition takes this step, is there anything you can do? Yes, there is.


Almost everyone knows how to check if their site is indexed in a search engine. Simply go to the engine and search for “site:yourdomainname.” This technique can also be used to see what your competition is up to.

If you want to see a glimpse of how a competitor is pursuing search engine optimization, check how many pages are indexed in the relevant search engine. Do a search for “site:competitorsdomainname.” You’ll be presented with a list of their pages, the meta title and meta description. This works particularly well with Google.

The resulting list of pages can be analyzed in a couple of different ways. First, you can isolate the particular keywords being pursued by the site. These should then be compared to your site to ascertain whether you’re missing anything. You almost always are missing a key niche. Second, you can analyze the meta description to see both the layout and particular formation of sentences and keyword placement they are pursuing. Again, compare it to yours. Using this process, you can get an idea of how your efforts differ from a competitor.

Importantly, this approach should not be overvalued. It is only a glimpse of the competitor’s site, not a thorough review. It will tell you nothing about how pages are arranged, keyword density approaches and so on. You’ll have to hunt and peck around the site for that information. Still, the meta information gained from this approach makes it worth a go if you are shut out from the code of a site.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is a search engine optimization specialist with - an Internet marketing and advertising company in San Diego offering meta tag optimization services and link popularity services.


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Monday, November 28, 2005

Search Engines - Getting Indexed

By Halstatt Pires

Before you can even consider getting high rankings in Google, Yahoo and MSN, you have to get indexed by the search engines. Here’s how you do it for free.


Getting indexed is relatively easy, far more so than it used to be in the past. It is so easy that I am surprised I still get spam with submission offers.

Each of the big three search engines has a page where you can submit your site. The only one worth using is on MSN. Google and Yahoo take for every to get around to manual submissions, and there are far easier ways of getting into them. To find the MSN submission page, just search for “submit MSN.”


Google has really gone to great lengths to help you get indexed. If you are updating your site frequently, you should use the Google Sitemaps tool. The tool is free and gives Google a direct path for visiting your site on a regular basis. If you don’t update that frequently, there is an even easier method for getting indexed.

For Google, the simplest method is to go to and start a blog for your site. This blog platform is free. Just start writing about anything you wish. Within your ramblings, create links to pages on your sites. Since Google owns, it will check the site every few days and follow the links to your site. Once on your site, Google is pretty good about indexing as many pages as possible.


The company tries to make money by charging you to be listed in the Yahoo directory, a companion section to its search engine. Depending on the type of site, this can run a couple hundred dollars a year with no guarantee of even being ranked! Many sites bypass this process by trading links with sites already in the Yahoo directory. Yahoo then follows said links to your site and indexes it. The beauty of this approach, of course, is no money comes out of your pocket.

Showing no shame, Yahoo has recently moved to turn its search engine into one giant pay-per-click engine. This new program is called “SiteMatch” and has met with a ton of controversy. Essentially, Yahoo wants you to pay to submit each url of your site, with prices ranging from $49 for the first one to $29 and $15 for subsequent sub-domains depending on the number of listings. As if that weren’t bad enough, Yahoo also is demanding that you pay for each hit these pages get from organic listings! The cost per click is either 30 or 15 cents depending on the type of site. In my humble opinion, this is a disgraceful move by Yahoo, and I refuse to be held up. You can make your own choice.

An alternative way to get listed in Yahoo is to turn your blog into a news feed. You’ll need a free email account with Yahoo. Take the blog you created for Google and go to a free feed converter site like Feed Burner. Convert your blog into a news feed using the free service. This may sound complex, but it is exceedingly simple once you are on the site.

When the site kicks out your feed domain, add it to the My Yahoo page associated with your free Yahoo email account. Just go to the My Yahoo page and click the “add content” button in the top left. Enter your feed domain where indicated on the page that appears.

Next, go to a site like PingOMatic and ping the various blog listing sites out there. My Yahoo is one such site. Eventually, Yahoo will read the My Yahoo listings and follow the links in the blog to your site. This doesn’t work as well as it used to, but it beats paying the SiteMatch fees.


MSN is very good about hunting down sites. If it hasn’t found yours, just go to the submit site page mentioned in the “Submitting?” paragraph at the beginning of this article. Enter a url and MSN will crawl it within a week or two.

Getting indexed in Google and MSN is fairly easy if you follow these steps. As to Yahoo, you’ll have to evaluate whether you want to be part of the shenanigans.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is a search engine optimization specialist with - an Internet marketing and advertising company in San Diego offering meta tag optimization services and link popularity services.


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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Search Engines – Pieces Of The Pie

By Halstatt Pires

Advertisers and search engine optimization campaigns are focused on getting the most bang for the buck. To organize your effort, you need to know which search engines have the biggest pieces of the traffic pie.

Subjective Numbers

Ask anyone in the Internet game and they will definitively tell you which search engine is the best. Of course, this often correlates to the actual search engine they use. I once had a person present me with a long winded, yet passionate, diatribe about why was better than Google, MSN and…Yahoo! If I only had a brain, I would surely see that would become the dominant search engine. This I was told with great conviction and more than a few people nodded their heads around us.

Since I was in a particularly bad mood that evening, I hipped the person into the fact that Yahoo provides all the search results on! I even had to pull the site up and show my “teacher” the truth of the matter. So much for making friends!

Many people fall in love with a particular search engine, which is fine. I do it myself. That doesn’t mean the search engine in question is the biggest, baddest or best! Subjective views are, well, subjective. Follow them in lieu of objective facts and you run the risk of making huge mistakes.

Objective Numbers

There are two types of results you can look at when calculating search engine traffic percentages. The first represents the total traffic covered by a search engine across all sites it provides results to. The second, which we cover here, refers to only the percentage of searches actually on the engine itself. For instance, Google provides results for AOL. In these figures, the AOL searches are NOT included in Google’s totals.

For the first half of 2005, the objective numbers were:

1. Google: 47 percent

2. Yahoo: 22 percent

3. MSN: 12 percent

4. AOL: 5 percent

5. Others: 14 percent

Short, sweet and to the point. Google is clearly eating the biggest piece of the pie. If Google buys AOL, it will grow even more. Conversely, if MSN buys AOL, it will move closer to Yahoo.

When it comes to your marketing, Google is clearly the beast you should focus on. It controls more traffic than Yahoo and MSN combined.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is a search engine optimization specialist with - an Internet marketing and advertising company in San Diego offering meta tag optimization services and link popularity services.


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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Search Engine Database – Are You Indexed?

By Halstatt Pires

The vernacular is “build a site and they will come.” This cliché is only true if your site is indexed in the relevant search engine database.


Search engines are essentially massive databases of domains and sub-domains for sites. When a person searches for something, the search engine instantaneously searches the domain names to come up with relevant listings. The method for doing this differs by engine and involves factors beyond the scope of this article. Instead, we are going to focus on figuring out if your site is in these important databases.

If you want to be included in the rankings on a search engine, your domain name has to be in the search engine database. Put another way, you have to buy a ticket if you want to win the lotto. Your chances of getting free traffic from rankings are far better if you have as many urls from your site included in the database as possible. Having just your home page indexed isn’t going to cut it.

If your site has 500 total pages, you ideally want 500 urls included in the search engine index. While this is admittedly a simplification of the situation, the more pages included, the better chance you have of getting high rankings under different keywords. The more high rankings you produce, the more free traffic you can get and the easier it will be to survive the loss of one ranking.

To check how many pages of your site are indexed in a particular search engine, simply do a search on the particular engine for “”. Pay particular attention to Yahoo, as it often will fail to pick up many of your pages. The result of this search will tell you every page the engine has found on your site and included in its database.

If you discover only a few pages have been indexed by the search engine, you need to take a look at your site. A common problem for sites using databases concerns dynamic urls. Many programmers will write session ids and so on into the urls. The search engines have massive problems reading these urls and will often fail to include them in their databases. You have this problem if the internal pages of your site have tails like:


If you have this problem, the best solution is to create static pages without the dynamic urls issues. The session ids and so on should be moved into the code of the page and removed from the url. You will probably need a programmer to make the fix.

If you do not have this problem, you need to figure out how to get your site into the indexes. There are plenty of articles telling you how. The first step, however, is just figuring out if the search engines have found you.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is a search engine optimization specialist with - an Internet marketing and advertising company in San Diego offering meta tag optimization services and link popularity services.


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Friday, November 25, 2005

How Good Is Your Blog? Here’s A Free Way To Test It

By Shelley Wake

Ever wondered what people think when they visit your blog? If you’re like most bloggers, you get a few comments but not enough to know whether most people like your blog or not. Maybe they read it, love it, and you never know about it. Or maybe they see something they don’t like and are off browsing before you have time to shout “hey, there’s good stuff here!”

To make matters a little worse, what turns people away is often a small thing. It might be a bad color scheme or the lack of a clear title so people know what they’re reading about. It might be too much text and not enough pictures. Whatever it is, you can lose readers fast.

How do you solve this problem? Simple – just test your blog. And there’s an easy way and a free way to do it. Just visit the BlogExplosion site (http://www.blogexplosion), sign up for a free account, and add your blog. Then visit a feature of the site called “Battle of the Blogs.” It’s a free game where your blog competes against someone else’s. Just choose a challenger and click on “Accept Challenge.” Now, the fun part starts.

Members will visit your blog and the blog of the challenger. Then they’ll vote on their favorite blog. The battle normally only takes 15 minutes or so to be completed. As soon as it’s over, you have a clear idea of how many people like your blog. If 15 out of 15 vote for yours, don’t change a thing. If 10 out of 15 vote for yours, make some improvements. If 0 out of 15 vote for yours, make some big changes.

Then go back and enter a few battles after you’ve made changes. That’s a good way to constantly improve. And there’s nothing better than improving your blog and being able to see the results in less than 15 minutes. That’s got to be better than waiting days to see a difference in your visitor statistics.

And while you’re waiting the 15 minutes to see the results, review the other blogs battling and vote for your favorite. As you do, think about what makes you like a blog instantly or dislike a blog instantly. What catches your attention? What is it that makes one blog likeable and another one boring? Take note and you’ll figure out even more ways to improve your own blog.

About the Author: Need more blog advice? Head on over to for all the information you need on writing, promoting, and monetizing a blog. Blogarooni hosts the free Encyclopedia of Blogging, a constantly updated resource that takes the best advice on blogging from around the web and puts it all in one convenient place.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked

By Subhendu Sen

If you have multiple sites or multiple directories in your
site for different subjects and you have placed Adsense
codes in your site, I am sure you would like to know:
(a) from which site or directory you are earning the
most / least, (b) which Adsense ads are being
clicked and (c) from which page?


To get separate stats for each site / section / directory
/ page with Adsense, you need to create channels for
each one. Create a channel with a relevant name and
generate a code for that channel. Paste that particular
Adsense code to the concerned pages / sites.


Google now provides Channel Data in real time. Earlier, it
used to provide data for '2 days before'. Follow the
procedure mentioned below :

1. From 'Date Range' drop down menu, select 'today'.

2. Check the radio button : Group data by 'Channel'.

3. On the right hand panel, check the radio button 'Channel

4. Click on 'Select ALL' at the bottom of channel list.

5. Click on 'Display Report'.

Now you get the seggregated report for clicks generated for
each channel.


It is very important to know that which pages / sites are
generating good Adsense revenue and which are not. We can
work upon those poorly performing pages. If we can get to
know about which ads are being clicked, that would make us
feel more informed for many obvious reasons.

Currently Google does not provide this data. But you can still
get it from a very nice and detailed free web stat service, Add
Free Stats.

Add Free Stats provides a very detailed web stats which
satisfies most webmasters. You may open a free account at :, get the code and paste it at the
bottom of each of your pages.

Make sure that in 'Your Account' section you mark 'Yes' for
'Exit link tracking'.

Now check your stats at Add Free Stats, and you will find a
"A" icon beside the visitors' ip. That means that visitor has
clicked on an Adsense code. Place your mouse over the icon,
and you can see which ad has been clicked.

You can also generate a separate report of pages that have
generated Adsense click. Select 'Exit Links/Adsense' from the
drop down menu marked as 'Pages'. Here you get a folder icon
named Adsense, the number of Adsense clicks etc. Click on
the Adsense folder icon and you get the number of Adsense
clicks on each page and which ads are clicked on that page.
Click on the 'hour glass' icon and you get the CTR, PV too
for each page.

I am no way connected to Add Free Stats. I am just a happy
user. Any webmaster working seriously towards Adsense
earning, must have this tool.

About the Author: Subhendu Sen is the owner and webmaster of A Low-Cost Web Host :
http://www.IndHosts.Net/hosting.html and is in the business of web hosting since 1998. He also owns other sites of interest : — An Article Directory and — A Free Email Address Directory


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

How To Pick A Great MLM Company

By Robert Borhi

Chances are if you’re reading this article you are interested in MLM, or network marketing. With the growth of the internet, and people looking to earn some extra money from home, the appeal of an MLM side business has grown over the last decade. Think how convenient it is, you can do it from home in your spare time, you probably already have all the tools you need (e.g.: computer, fax, internet), and you don’t have to hire any employees, pay a franchise fee, or even stockpile merchandise anymore.

With this growth in interest in network marketing, many new companies have sprung up to join the ranks of the time-tested, older MLM companies. If you’re thinking of starting a side career in MLM, or want to see how your current company measures up, read on for the critical things to look for when choosing an MLM company.

The first thing to look for is stability. At a minimum, it would be best if the company has been in business for 2 to 5 years. It might be cliché, but there is something to be said for ‘standing the test of time’. The longer a company has been around, the more chance of it staying around. There are enough things to worry about in network marketing, such as sponsoring and advertising, without having to wonder if your company will be around next year. Even if you’re able to build the biggest downline and become the highest earner in the company, it won’t matter if they shut down. There are never any guarantees, but a company with a longer track record generally has more chances of longevity.

Who’s in charge of the company? Who is the president, and who are the directors? What is their track record? Have they spent time in the network marketing industry, or are they new to it all? What businesses have they been involved with in the past? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, call or email the company to find out. It is critical to know the answers to these questions from the outset. If you plan to spend many years with this company, you want to be dealing with people who are honest, savvy, and have integrity in and outside of the business world.

Does the company have one sizzle product, or many products? Generally speaking, the more products the better. The less products you have, the more chance your prospects or potential customers might not be interested. If you’re only selling vitamins, and Mary already buys her vitamins from the drugstore, what else do you have to offer her? If you’re only selling a juice, and Joe doesn’t like the taste of it, what else do you have to offer him? There was one MLM telecommunications company that recently went bankrupt. They basically only had a few products in the telco industry. Perhaps if they had added some nutritional products as well they could have survived. In addition, the products should be competitively priced, and somewhat unique.

How easy is it to get started in your company? Can people join online, or do they have to fill out paper forms? Having the option to join online makes the whole process a lot easier. Can a prospect join for free to start, or do they have to place an order when they join? Having the option to join free will open up your opportunity to many more people. Your company should let people join free and allow them to market the products to earn income. Once someone has joined free, they have partially committed to the business, and it makes it easier for you and your company to follow up with them, via mail or email.

One of the biggest barriers for people entering network marketing is the monthly purchase. Many people aren’t sales types, so they usually need to meet their monthly sales quota (at least partially) through a personal purchase to remain qualified for commissions. I can tell you from experience that people will stay around longer if they only need to spend $50 or less per month. I have seen companies that require $150 per month in volume for members to stay qualified, and if those people aren’t making money quickly, they will quit. How much volume do you need to do for your company to stay qualified?

The more automated the company is, the better. They should give you a personal company website that you can refer prospects to. A prospect should be able to contact you from that page, and the company should have a series of emails that follow up with your prospects. You should also have a company product website that you can advertise and send customers to. They need to have an online back office where members can log in and check their stats in real time. You should be able to see hits to your web pages, your downline, your commissions, your monthly order, company information, and so on.

If your company has all of the above, then congratulations, you have most likely associated with a winner and have greatly increased your chances for success in network marketing!

About the Author: Robert Borhi is a freelance writer who operates a marketing website at . For information on free advertising and online opportunities, visit his website at


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Make Your Dreams a Reality

I would like to introduce you to my brother Armando Lopez.

Armando is a retired United States Marine, committed husband, loving father and loyal brother.

A dreamer in the finest sense of the word, Armando doesn’t just sit around, and long for the things he thinks he deserves, he steps up, takes initiative and makes those dreams become a reality.

I am sure that many of you and me included have had an idea for some device or invention that we believed would be of benefit to others, but lacked the confidence or determination to take it to the next level. Well not Armando. Armando took a chance with his inspiration and took the steps necessary to transform the vision in his mind into a tangible product that will ensure for the safety and protection of those individuals or families who use it.

I am reminded of the quote by Robert F. Kennedy:

"Some men see things as they are and say, why. I dream things that never were and say, why not."

I invite you to click the link below and see if Armando’s invention may be of use to you. If not, perhaps Armando has inspired you to believe enough in yourself to take your dreams to the next level.

Gas Off - A Home Safety Device by Armando Lopez

Monday, November 21, 2005

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
Author of "Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online"

These days, it seems like everyone wants to work from home and make money on the Internet. But before you even turn on your computer, the first question you have to ask yourself is whether you’re cut out for this kind of work.

The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t for everyone. Some people like the commute. They really do enjoy having a boss who tells them what to do, and they like the routine of working nine-to-five for an ordinary salary that can barely pay the mortgage. Personally, I think they’re nuts.

More reasonably, there are people who are concerned about the risk of starting up their own business. They’re not sure it’s worth the investment of time and money, and they’re scared of the responsibility that comes with running their own company. They wonder if there is another way to escape the rat race.

I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or wait for your Aunt Sue to keel over and leave you her condo. Or maybe you could sit down with a pen and paper and draw the blueprint for "The Next Big Thing". Anything can happen... Right?

For me, what happened was creating a successful, self-running Internet marketing system. It didn’t happen without effort. It didn’t happen without at least some initial investment of both time and money and, of course, it doesn’t happen now without me making sure that the taxes are filed and the paperwork is done. But it happened.

I’m my own boss. I work from home according to my own schedule and I get to pocket all the cash my business makes. If you’re prepared to give an e-business the time, the work and the money it needs to get started and get growing, it can happen for you too.

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why Should You Use Google Ads On Your Website?

By Robert Borhi

If you are interested in earning income from your website, should you consider using the Google AdSense program to place targeted ads on your web pages? When I first considered this idea, I wasn’t sure if it was right for me. You see, I have a number of websites that promote affiliate links to products and services in my market. I felt that if I put Google ads on my pages they would compete with my affiliate sales. Sure, I knew you got paid when visitors clicked on these ads, but could it be a significant amount? Eventually, I saw that many other top marketers were using these ads on their pages. So I decided to dive in and give it a try, and after a year of using these ads here is what I can tell you.

The first thing I noticed was the ease of use in using Google AdSense. Once you have joined the program for free, you can start creating your ad codes. And the neat thing is, you can customize the ads to your web pages. You can choose the color of the ads so that they match the color theme of your pages. You can choose from many different size ad blocks. For example, they have 468x60 regular banner size and 120x600 towers. This way, you can choose the size that is right for your page. Once you have made your selection, you simply cut and paste the html and place it where you want on your page, and your part is done!

You can track your ads with ‘channels’. Let’s say your website has 10 pages. You can give each page it’s own channel so that when you log in to check your ad stats, you will see how many ad views and clicks you are getting on each page. This is helpful because it shows you where your ad revenue is coming from.

I haven’t really noticed any competition with my other affiliate programs! I’ve realized that Google ads don’t compete with my website, they are an additional income stream. My sales and sign-ups didn’t plummet once I started using the ads. What I believe now is that a certain percentage of visitors aren’t going to convert into customers, so the ads are simply another way to generate revenue from visitors who weren’t going to be customers anyway. As long as your own offers are well laid out on your site, if a visitor is interested in what you have they will still become a customer.

A good thing about Google ads is that they are ‘targeted’. This means that the ad content normally matches the content of your site. For example, if your site is about Boston terrier dogs, you will mostly get ads about Boston terrier dogs, or at least dogs. I can’t explain how they do it, but the ad html you post on your site picks up the keywords on your pages, and ads are generated that match the site keywords. This is good because the ads will match the target market for your website. And since the ads rotate on their own, it gives you 'fresh' content.

Another bonus is that you are associating with a trusted source in Google. They are presently the number one search engine, which means that people know them and trust them. Having their presence on your website will therefore not lose you credibility.

Yes, but how much can I make, you ask! That depends on how much traffic your website gets, and the subject matter of your website. Generally, the more visitors your website gets, the more clicks you will receive on the ads. Since you get paid per click, your earnings go up with more clicks. Secondly, the subject matter of your site plays a large part. Advertisers have to bid on the keywords for their ads, and the bids generally go higher if there are more advertisers bidding on the same keywords. Likewise, subjects that deal with highly profitable industries, like loans, mortgages, and home business, tend to get higher bids. The higher the bids, the more you get paid for click. To sum up, if your website deals with popular subject matter in a profitable field, and you get steady traffic, you should do well.

In closing, if you decide to join the Google AdSense program, make sure you read their terms of service so that you follow all the rules. They have recently added some extra features to allow members to earn more, such as paying for referrals and toolbar downloads. The growth in online advertising keeps getting bigger and bigger with no signs of stopping. The AdSense program is an excellent way for you to benefit from this and earn an extra revenue stream from your website. I highly recommend it!

About the Author: Robert Borhi is a freelance writer who operates a marketing website at . For information on free advertising and online opportunities, visit his website at


Friday, November 18, 2005

A Simple Guide To Choosing A Domain Name

By Rafael Sosa

There has been much debate on which factors are the most important when determining what domain to purchase. Choosing a domain name should be deeply tied to the business plan and the vision of the company. A domain can be chosen for its advantages in Search Engine placement, a company’s brand, or as a description of a general term. One must consider a domains size, pronunciation, how memorable it is, and if the name is taken in other similar forms or extensions. For example, if one registers a, but the is taken and developed, creating a brand for would be very dangerous and might end up being confused for its .com counterpart.

Search Engine Placement Domains

The purpose of these domains is to rank high in the search engines, because the actual domain name contains the keywords being searched for. Search Engine domains are very rarely brandable, and are mostly used exclusively as side Internet properties to redirect traffic to the main site. A company who sells red widgets would benefit from acquiring and , because it is natural that people will remember such address, but most importantly, that domain name has a high probability of ranking at, or very near to, the top of a search for ‘red widgets’. A very popular tool used to find what is being searched for on the net is: Overture Keywords (

Brand Domains

When coming from the offline business into the online, the obvious choice for brand domains is the offline brand name as .com and/or .country extension. Country extensions are used in countries were there is more popularity in their country extension than on the .com. In the case that no previous brand existed before moving online, one most be very creative into the approach of a brandable name. At this point, there are millions of domain names registered and many times, one finds that the desired domain is taken. There is a consensus among most Internet domain experts that the shorter the domain, the better. A domain that is about 5 letters long is highly desirable for a brand. However, the domain must sound right as well. would be undesirable, because it cannot be easily said or remembered to the general public.

General Term Domains

In the height of the Internet Bubble, general term domains were the most popular choice. Many companies failed, even though they had the generic word for their market. Companies like refused to purchase, because they were conscious that they needed to focus on brand. Although this strategy worked for, generic words have a value of their own that cannot be ignored. Like Search Engine Placement Domains, which attract a large number of visitors through search engine referrals, so do generic word domains. For this reason, generic word names are still very much desired and their value continue to rise. What should be learned about the Dot Com Bubble is that generic domains are not everything in a dot com business, rather they are a valuable (yet, not essential) component in an array of variables that make an Internet business a success. The current value of these domains, and other domains in general can be seen at an online publication that covers recent domain name transactions at: Domain Journal Sales (

About the Author: Rafael Sosa has been in forefront of e-business development and digitizing of documents in Puerto Rico. For the past 5 years, he has worked extensively in the construction of websites and internet systems through the integration of an efficient international team. His articles can be found at


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Seecrets On Website Promotion: How You Can Get A #1 Ranking For Your Website Name Within Thirty Days

By Stan Seecrets

Few businesses are prepared for the hyper speed and competition on the internet. Experts estimate that less than three percent of the tens of thousands of new website registrations each day will eventually succeed. The sheer volume of daily announcements drowns out all but the savviest webmasters. Yet, most site owners overlook a simple law of physics.

Launching a new website with enough acceleration to rise above this ever increasing daily din needs some force. It is common to see a website with a different name and various product or service offerings with equally unrelated names. Promoting these diverse brands will naturally need more energy than promoting just one brand.

However, if the website’s name is carefully chosen to resemble the site’s main theme, all the promotion energies can focused on just one keyword. Products and services can have this name embedded into the official product names (think Microsoft Office).

Consider the example of "seecrets", which is a misspelling of a common word. It also reflects the main theme of the website which is in the business of protecting digital data, documents and software. It is fortuitous coincidence that this name is the same as the site’s resident writer, Stan Seecrets.

This author then sent five articles in as many weeks to about a dozen article submission sites. The result was astonishing. Within a week after the first article, Google ranked this author’s site #1 for this particular keyword. MSN also ranked this same #1 after about 6 weeks.

It is perplexing with Yahoo. The moment this keyword is keyed in, it gives a #1 ranking. When this author repeats the search five minutes later, the ranking disappeared altogether. Maybe, there is a big bug in their software or this search engine is as indecisive as we are.

This is an example of getting a #1 ranking by careful selection of the website’s name. Obviously this author cannot provide a list of step-by-step procedures. Readers who are using the most powerful computer located at the top of their heads can easily figure it out.

Getting a #1 ranking for one keyword is just a confidence-booster and perhaps some bragging rights. The longer journey with other keywords has just begun with this small step.

Please remember that past performance do not guarantee future results, only intelligence, common-sense plus Labor Omnia Vincit (Latin for labor conquers all - Oklahoma state motto) can.

Stan Seecrets’ Postulate: "The brand is the website."

(Spoofing Marshall McLuhan "The Medium is the Message". McLuhan is considered by many, as the prophet of the electronic age)

About the Author: The author, Stan Seecrets, is a veteran software developer with 25+ years experience at which specializes in digital asset protection and total website management. You can send your views or criticism by e-mail to Stan at © Copyright 2005, Stan Seecrets. All rights reserved


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Internet Advertising Options

By Anthony White

Your online business will likely require more advertising than a contemporary business downtown, yet some new to the world of online business do not spend the time and money to advertise their business appropriately and are, in turn, loosing money. Your online business is crammed into the world wide web along with thousands of others selling the same product or service as yourself. Consider this scenario: In your hometown you want to open an art supply store. In that same town there are thousands of art supply stores. In order for your business to be successful, it will have to stand out in some way from the others. This is exactly what is happening when a business is opened online. There is so much competition, that you must take drastic measures to ensure that you are getting noticed. Advertising can be done in so many ways online. These are some of the most successful ways that you can promote your online business.

Advertising in e-zines is a popular way to promote your online business. Ezines are the magazines of the internet; they written on a particular subject and read by those interested in that subject. Therefore, ezine readers are already potential customers and advertising your site in ezines that are related to your business is almost guaranteed to help drive traffic to your site and increase sales for your product. You should be sure when advertising in ezines that you are not advertising along side competitors. Ask the ezine producer if there is a policy concerning posting competing ads. It is also a good idea to subscribe to the ezine before making a decision about whether or not to advertise in it. An ezine that runs fewer ads is a better choice than one that runs many ads. You can look at the online Directory of Ezines to find publications that are relevant to your company.

Pay-per-click programs are an excellent way to advertise your business without taking a risk that you have advertised in the wrong place. With pay-per-click, you can advertise your site and only pay for those who click the link and go to your site. Another popular pay-per program is the pay-per-lead program that allows you to only pay for leads. Usually this means that you pay for only those who download a trail, fill out a form or enter a sweepstakes; whatever you choose. Lastly you can display pay-per-click banner ads in which your company would be allowed to place a banner on their site and you will be charged for every click that your banner receives.

Opt-In email is a great way to advertise your business, however it is expensive and it can be misused very easily. Using opt-in emails, you would submit your sales copy to the company that will in turn email it to those on their mailing list. You should be very careful since some of the companies that advertise their mailing lists as opt-in email service is sometimes really SPAM. It is essential that you have a perfect and effective sales letter when using opt-in mailing lists. Without an effective sales copy your money and time have been wasted.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Cross Promoting Techniques that Work

By Anthony White

Cross promotions are not a new idea. They have been used by businesses for a very long time. For example, a real-estate company may promote a certain lawyer to close a sale, as the lawyer will promote that agency in his firm. The system is somewhat similar to the primitive barter system, where people traded items rather than using money. How can anything primitive fit into the online world of Internet marketing? Very easily. Cross promotions are, simply stated, a trade of advertising space. Instead of paying for advertising space on a site, you would place their ad on your page and yours on theirs. There are many ways to use cross promotions in your internet business that can be an effective and cost efficient way to advertise.

One way is to use link exchanges. This is very effective when doing cross promotions with a company that is similar to yours, however you should be sure and never link to a page that is in direct competition with yours. One of the best things about link exchanges is that some search engines are factoring in hits from the sites that are linked to your page to when determining the ranking. Therefore linking to a more popular site, can not only increase your advertising, and traffic, but also increase your search engine ranking.

When customers or potential customers subscribe to your ezine you can use this as an opportunity to use cross promotions. On the same page that the customer subscribes to your ezine, make available the opportunity to subscribe to another company’s ezine. You can even exchange ad space in ezines, and provide recommendations for those whom you cross promote with. You might even want to exchange column space in one another’s ezines.

Writing free articles that inform customers or potential customers with information that is useful and accurate can create a reputation for you and your business. Soon readers will come to know you as an expert on the subject. In these articles the author uses a byline to help promote his site. Bylines can be a way to use cross promotions as well. You can use part of the space in your byline to recommend another’s product.

If you have been considering writing an ebook, a joint venture could mean increased profits for you and the person you are partnering with. Cross promotions through ebooks are an excellent way to allow for a wider topic and to promote both your business and your partner’s business. The ebook should contain information that will benefit both businesses and still be helpful to the reader. A good example of using cross promotions through an ebook is to a site selling used video games partnering with a site selling gaming devices. These are two subjects that would interest the same reader and most likely lead the reader to both sites.

You should keep in mind that the recommendations that you make are a direct reflection of you, so choose your cross promotional businesses carefully. Also keep in mind that it would be nice as a shopper to be able to link from one site to another as a way to “shop around.“ Since this is usually not beneficial to you, never link or recommend a site that is in direct competition with you. Instead, recommend those who are similar, such as health and life insurance.

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Designing A Website That Sells

By Anthony White

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn’t clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I wouldn’t and neither would you. Your website is your grocery store; your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing to buyers. One that tells that buyer that you are not an amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site is a direct reflection of your product and that is why having a well designed website can make or break your sales.

The first thing to keep in mind when designing your website, is “surfability”. Take a few minutes a look around at several web pages. What makes them appealing? Were there some that you closed out of immediately? Why? Take notes and do your research. Keep in mind that when a person visits your site they have a goal in mind. They are either seeking information or shopping for a product. Give the person what they want without having to search for it. Be sure that all the information on your site is relevant to your product. Make the buyer think that they need your product to solve their problem.

Your main page serves a very specific purpose. It should be an avenue by which the customer can shop your site. It should be easy to view and load very quickly. This is your first impression and we all know that first impressions can either close the deal or loose the deal. Make it simple. It is best to have links that are easily viewable by the reader that will navigate them to where they want to be. Tables are often a great choice when deciding on a way to design the main page of your site. Your main page should load very quickly, chances are if it takes the page more than ten seconds to load even on a 56k modem, the customer will click away to save time, hoping to find the information or product elsewhere. To increase the loading speed of your main page you should avoid large graphics or excessive graphics. Too many banners or special effects can cause a page to load slowly as well.

To make your web site more appealing to the eyes, you should stick to mild colors. If your site is a content site where the user will be doing a lot of reading, it is best to stick to black and white. Color can be added when using tables, as a way to brighten up the page, but remember to keep the overall look of the page professional and appealing to the audience that will be visiting most often. Since screen resolutions vary among monitors, it is a good idea to set the pixels to a standard 800x600. You may also choose to set the tables in your web page to span a percentage of the page rather than a set number of inches. This will be sure to accommodate all screen sizes. You should remember that a lot of Internet users will not use the same browser as you, and therefore you should be sure that your site looks as good on other browsers as it does on your own. You can do this by downloading several browsers through which to look at your page.

Be aware of the fact that the overall look of your website is a way to make money. The appearance of the site, if designed properly, can be an excellent marketing strategy for your product or service.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Multiply Your Sales Through Affiliate Programs

By Anthony White

What could be better than exceeding your personal sales goals for a given month or year? How about doubling, tripling or even more of your sales goal for the month? This is exactly what affiliates can do for you. The amount of growth potential through affiliates is unlimited; the more affiliates you have the more money you can make, after all, if Sam Walton tried to run every Wal-Mart store, he obviously wouldn’t be very successful. You must realize that for maximum growth you cannot do it alone. Think of the success of companies such as Avon or Home Interiors. Their success is based on two things; a great product and excellent affiliate programs.

To attract affiliates to your company you should make it worth their time. Offering one percent of sales, is not an attractive offer, the higher the commission that you are able to offer your affiliates the more affiliates will be tempted to join your team. You should also provide your affiliates with the tools that they will need to successfully market your product such as banner ads, articles, and anything else that will help them to better market the product. You should provide the affiliates with updated product information through newsletters, new promotional campaigns and other things to motivate and inform the affiliates.

You can choose to run your affiliate program in a few different ways, both of which are beneficial to your business. A one-tier affiliate program allows you to generally offer a larger commission and pays on one level. The affiliate will receive a predetermined amount for each sale. Using a two-tier affiliate program, affiliates are paid on two different levels. This is done by allowing the affiliates to recruit others to sell under them. In this situation, the top level affiliate would receive a slightly larger commission than the recruit or second level affiliate. For example if the top level seller makes 20% of the sale, then she/he would make 15% giving the second level affiliate the 5%.

Setting up the affiliate program can also be done in two different ways. One way is to do it yourself through an affiliate tracking software. This software will provide you with a way to track affiliate sales as well as allow the affiliates to view their progress. The downside to this option is that you are responsible for making payments. You can also choose to hire an affiliate tracking company to do all the work for you. These companies will allow the use of credit cards and completely run the affiliate program from billing customers, paying affiliates, and also pay you. This is a great option for the busy business owner or the beginning business owner and it is affordable as most affiliate tracking companies charge a small one time fee. However you choose to run your affiliate program it is sure to increase profits for your business.

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Implementing an Opt-In List to Optimize Your Internet Marketing Success

By Anthony White

In order to make a success of your website or online business, it is obvious that you will need customers. Although everyone who visits your page will not become a customer, they must have some interest in your product or service that brought them there in the first place and therefore they are a potential customer. Potential customers are much more likely to become actual customers if you make an effort to keep in touch with them. This essential marketing tool is called and opt-in list.

An opt-in list will allow you to keep track of your potential customers by obtaining their email address in order to keep them informed about the latest updates for your product or service. You can create your own opt-in list or you can use an opt-in list creator that is available online from several sources. The benefits of creating your own opt-in list is that you will be able to send personal messages to the potential customers and they will not need to do anything, whereas with commercial opt-in lists, the customer will receive a generated message and will be required to verify their acceptance of the message.

An important part of creating a successful opt-in list is to keep in mind that potential customer will visit your site from many places and may not see your homepage. Therefore it is imperative to have the ability to subscribe to the mailing list from all pages of your site. You should not, however, make the subscription information a focus point of every page. It is a good idea to put it at the bottom or top of the page where it is visible but not distracting. It is also a good idea to promote your mailing list by using a give-away. You could offer a service, a discount, or an ebook. You can also drive potential subscriber to join your mailing list by writing articles that will benefit the reader and at the same time, build your credibly as an expert. You can include the subscription information in the byline of the articles. You could also write an ebook with your subscription information on each page, which will allow the customer to easily access the information and join the list with ease.

Once you have created the mailing list and now have your potential customers within your grasp it is your responsibility to keep them updated and interested. Provide them with quality information that is up-to-date and of interest to them. Offer discounts or a newsletter, something that the reader can use. This will keep them interested and will drive them to your site over and over, eventually they may make a purchase and if not, they will be informed enough to use word of mouth advertising for your site.

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Golden Rules For the Use of Autoresponders

By Anthony White

Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently asked questions about a service or product or by sending a welcome letter to new members of your program. There are many ways that autoresponders can help your business. One of the most important is their ability to track the effectiveness of your promotions. Since autoresponders are one of the most popular marketing tools available today, they are being used by a lot of different kinds of business and websites. Some of these take advantage of the system to use the autoresponders in a negative manner. You should be aware of some of the “Golden Rules” when using autoresponders.

Thou Shalt Not Use an Autoresponder Address When Submitting to Search Engines.

Since you will most likely submit your site to search engines such as Google or Yahoo!, directories, classifieds, and free for all sites, you should be made aware of the fact that these sites commonly use an autoresponder as well. If you were to use your autoresponder to contact these companies, their autoresponder will reply to yours and so on and so on. Thus creating a cycle of autoresponses that will flood your email box and theirs as well.

Thou Shalt Not Use an Autoresponder to Subscribe to Ezines or Discussion Forums.

Since most of the time an Ezine will send you updates and new information regularly, your auto responder will send them a message each time. In a discussion forum, every person in the discussion forum will receive your auto response. This can be irritating and most of the time you will be unsubscribed. It is often hard for the administrators of the forum or ezine to determine who is using the autoresponse and therefore it is simply common courtesy to never use an autoresponer in this manner.

Thou Shalt Not Use an Autoresponder to Take Advantage Of Unsuspecting Individuals.

Some very unprofessional companies will use autoresponders to respond to an automated message when this is done the address in the “from” field will be automatically subscribed to their mailing list. This is a extremely un ethical use of autoresponders and those who do it are in jeopardy of creating a very negative image of themselves and their company. Rather than promote their service or business, this usually leads to people becoming very upset and spreading a negative word about your company rather than a good one.

The Internet can be a great place to do business and autoresponders can be an excellent way to save time, however when used in an unprofessional way, they can lead to frustration and aggravation for others. Your company will suffer the loss of much business if you choose to participate in these abusive practices. The appropriate use of auto responders can generate a large amount of business, while inappropriate use can drive away that business.

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Five Proven Methods for Internet Marketing Success

By Anthony White

There are hundreds of ways that you can promote your online business or website, some more effective than others. These five proven methods will help you to generate traffic to your site and also to generate income into your wallet.

1. One thing that appeals to everyone is “free.” If it is free people will take it. Think of the samples of cheese given away at grocery stores. Do you really want a small piece of cheese? Of course not! But you take it simply because it is free and someone is nice enough to offer it to you. The same principle applies with information or services offered from your website. You can send out free newsletters or offer a free trail period. One popular thing that is being given away now are free credit reports or free PC scans. These freebies are what we in the marketing field like to call teasers. After running the free credit report or PC scan we alert the customer if there is something found on their credit record or PC and then offer to show them what it is or repair the problem for a price. This can be an effective way to get information to your potential customers, create sales or to generate traffic to your site.

2. Your website contains information about a service or product that you are very knowledgeable about. You can use this knowledge to generate traffic to your site by writing articles in your area of expertise and having them published in an ezine or an article information site. The most effective way to use these articles is to write them for free and ask in return that the publisher allow you to include a byline. A byline is a very short summary of the author, their credentials and their website. Your byline is a way that readers will come to know you as an expert on the topic and will in turn come to trust your site as a source of credible information.

3. Some search engines will allow a website to purchase their ranking. This is an excellent Internet marketing technique in that it is effective and inexpensive. In the pay-per-click programs, website are only billed for those who actually visit the page, unlike banner ads which may be seen by millions but only used by a few. When using the pay-per-click program you are asked to choose keywords and when those are entered your site will appear and if the surfer chooses to view your site, you are billed for that click. Many pay-per-click programs will offer other benefits as well, such as updated lists of commonly used keywords.

4. You should remember that others are in the same boat as you. You can choose to network with those who have similar marketing ideas. When networking you will be able to share links and refer customers to each other. You should always be very cautious when choosing a networking partner as everything that you recommend is a reflection of yourself or your product and therefore, you should be certain that your networking partner is a reputable source of information.

5. Simply because your website is online, doesn’t mean that all your advertising should be. Advertise in newspapers, TV, the radio or you can even send out a press release to get your information to thousands of people all over the country.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success

By Anthony White

What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful Internet marketing gurus. This is all due to what is called an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an automatic method of all ponding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is an must for any Internet business. Time is money and answering emails personally take a lot of valuable time for both you and the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow you to spend the time elsewhere in your business, but it gives the customer access to the information almost immediately.

Since there are so many different uses for autoresponders, they can be of value to virtually any type of business. Some choose to use the autoresponders to answer frequently asked questions about a product or service. Others use them to provide information about pricing or product information. Autoresponders are also a nice way to welcome new members to a website or group as well as thank them after a visit.

One might ask what would be the advantage of using autoresponders as opposed to simply listing the information on the site. An important feature of autoresponders is that they send you an email notification each time a response is sent out. This allows you to track the success of your promotions as well as have the email addresses of potential customers at your fingertips so that you can easily send out updated and new information to them.

It is of the utmost importance to choose an effective autoresponder. An autoresponder should be as personal as possible and send out follow-ups to potential customers since it has been proven that persistence pays off. It could take up to seven contacts before a final sale is conducted. Generally speaking an advertisement should be short and to the point. However, in this case, the customer has asked to see this specific information and therefore an effective autoresponder should allow you to place as much text on the page as you desire. The autoresponder that you choose should provide automatic updates to customers free of charge.

The autoresponder is one Internet marketing tool that will not cost you an arm and a leg. You can get free autoresponders online from several sources. The automatic responses will be a welcome addition to your marketing strategy and will help to automatically increase traffic to your site all while you do nothing. Be sure that the one you choose includes all the extras that will send your site to the top and your profits through the roof.

Note from the author:
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing

By Anthony White

A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they would be bombarded with offers for this or that. It had gotten to the point where surfing the Internet was almost like playing a video game; when the ads would pop-up one would try and close them out before another one came. This is precisely why we have seen the decline in the use of pop-up windows on the Internet today; surfers simply do not even look at the pop-ups anymore. They close the windows out before even reading the ad. Very often, a surfer will even leave your site if there are too many pop-up ads. They simply do not want the hassle of closing those windows while trying to obtain the information that your site has to offer. This information, while valuable, is not as valuable as the surfers time. Studies have shown however, that even with these set backs, pop-up windows are still an effective method of Internet marketing.

Is there some way that pop-up windows can be less irritating and still be effective? Yes! What if the pop ad were seen upon exiting your site instead of entering? This would allow the surfer to obtain the information that they need from your site, feeling that they were able to come and go quickly without being hassled by other ads and offers all the while making the surfer happy. You have left the surfer with a positive attitude and therefore are more likely to respond to the pop advertisement. This is being accomplished more and more by using what is being called pop-under windows. When the surfer comes to your site, the ad is opened discretely behind the your web page. Then, upon leaving your site, after obtaining all the information that they need , will see the ad and therefore be more likely to respond. Since the surfer has the information, he has achieved his objective and is now open to do other things; ideally respond to the pop under advertisement.

Not all pop-windows are created equally. There are some things that you can do to make your pop-windows, whether pop-up or pop-under more effective. The pop-window should be easy to “escape” from. If the surfer does not want to see the add, but has a hard time closing it out, they will likely become frustrated and could leave your site all together. You should either use a button to that will allow the surfer to close the window or be sure that the “x” is easily visible. Another good idea is to use a script that utilizes cookies. Cookie will prevent pop-windows from overloading the surfer since you can decide the frequency of the pop-windows, rather than each time a page is opened. Also be sure that there is no more than one pop-window per page.

When creating a pop-window, you will be asked to fill out a short information form, select the length of cookies, and choose the layout of the pop-window. When choosing the design of the pop-window, you can increase the effectiveness by creating a large headline that includes benefits that will be most appealing to the customer. You should also consider using incentives and lastly do not ask the customer to read a long and drawn out advertisement. Keep the message simple yet powerful and your pop-ads will be sure to generate profits for your site.

Note from the author:
Stone Evans Will Personally Build A Money Making
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Monday, November 07, 2005

Getting Started: Creating a Business Plan

By Anthony White

You're excited. You have a great idea for a profitable online business. Maybe it is an original idea that has not been marketed online before. Maybe you have come up with a new spin on the ordinary. Whatever it is that has influenced you to start your online business, be sure that you have a plan before you begin. This is not the time to “pick it up as you go”. These are some basic things that should be included in your business plan.

The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and is an integral part of the overall business plan. After you have completed the business summary you should begin to list the objectives or the goals that you want to accomplish through the business. Next and perhaps most importantly, you should develop your marketing plan. The marketing plan will address all the specifics of the business. When developing the marketing strategy you should consider the following:

The target market. The target market is the customers that you expect to see visiting your site. For example will your product be more appealing to college students or those who are in retirement?

Consider the competition for your product when determining the marketing strategy. Choose a product that will be seen as unique and useful. Visit sites that are offering the same or similar products. Find out the cost, and how they are marketing their product. Finds out the pros and cons of their business and try to improve your product based on their flaws.

Research the various methods for advertising online. You should become educated about search engines and how they work since each one is different. Also be sure that you know how to submit your site to search engines. You should be prepared to spend a small amount of money on advertising, but the profits that you will gain from the advertisements will prove to be money well spent.

Think about pricing. Again, look at the competition and see what similar products are selling for. Pricing can play a big role in the success of your product since selling a product well below the average price may lead customer to think that there is a problem with the product or that it is not of the best quality. However, pricing items too high could also detour customers.

Determine the shipping method. Be sure that you know how products will be shipped so that you can have shipping details clearly posted on your site. If you are shipping things of great value, you should consider providing shipping insurance. Also think about shipping outside the country that you live in.

Think about the different methods of payment that you will accept. If your business does not accept credit cards, you should be ready to give up half if not more of your sales. If you decide to accept credit cards will you use a merchant account or will you use a third party credit card processing center? Both will help you get started and the third party processing center will handle all of the business so you don’’t have to. You should decide which you will use and also if you will accept checks or money orders. It is essential to have a secure server when taking credit cards.

These few things will help your online business to become a great success and also provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly thought about and planned for the opening of your online business.

Note from the author:
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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Organizational Tips For Internet Home Based Business Success

By Kanaga Siva

Starting from the Fundamentals and doing it right, often builds confidence and motivates us to reach our goal much sooner and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Similarly as an Internet Home Based Business Entrepreneur, there are certain Fundamental steps you should take and organize your daily work schedule to succeed.

By following these steps you can avoid health problems and other conditions such as stress, depression, fatigue and loneliness. In other words, you will remain motivated, energetic, healthy and enjoy a happy family life. Above all you will be on your way to fulfilling your dream of being a successful Internet Home Based Business Entrepreneur.

Organizing your Home office:

The first thing you should do is to organize your home office. It could be anywhere. In the bed room, in the attic, in the basement or any other place where you could sit and concentrate on your work without hindrance. Set it up so that all the necessary paraphernalia required for your Internet Business are available to you right there as in any other external place of work. Create an environment that will please the eye soothe the nerves and inspire you to work at home.

Organizing your Work Schedule:

The tendency to get disorganized is one of the major problems faced when you work at home due to distraction by the kids, family members, visitors, telephone calls etc. Making up for lost time on the other hand leads to overwork and stress. This situation can be avoided by planning out your whole days work in advance. Have a master list prepared every day and prioritize your work and also structure it in such a manner that you do the most difficult part of the assignment at the time you are most alert and active. Ensure that you start and end your tasks on time everyday. Since you are the Boss you can be flexible and accommodate any change of circumstances as and when the need arises.

Posture and Lighting:

Working at the computer for several hours a day can create quite a few problems unless you do the things the right way. The correct table for the computer and the chair for you to sit and work long hours are absolutely essential. Negligence of this aspect can lead to neck and back pain and other complications. In addition to this your place of work has to be properly illuminated to avoid straining your eyes.

Regular Breaks:

Working continuously for a few hours at the computer can be strenuous for the eyes and also cause mental fatigue. Regular breaks after every hour or two is an absolute necessity. A few minutes of relaxing, stretching and inhaling of fresh air by going outdoors will do you a world of good.

Regular Meal Time:

Never sticking to regular meal times and missing a meal due to pressure of work are problems often associated with Home Based Business workers. This can lead to malnutrition, stomach ulcers and other gastric disorders. This situation must be avoided by having a proper work schedule with planned breaks for meals and meticulously sticking to it.

Family Time:

Improper planning of your work schedule or over enthusiasm in your Home Based Business creates situations where the spouse and kids can get neglected. One of the main attractions of working from home is to spend more time with the family. It is here that your skills in organizing your work schedule will be tested. You will need to find the time to spend with the family everyday. Your spouse and kids should reap the benefits of your presence at home. So it is up to you to ensure that this happens for happiness at home will definitely reflect in the progress you make in your Internet Business and boost your morale.

Meet Friends and Socialize:

Working day in and day out within the confines of your home and with your computer as your sole companion can to some extent create loneliness and depression. The fun of meeting your workmates and enjoying their company is one thing that you will surely miss. Hence it is imperative that you go out regularly meet friends and socialize. Add a little spice by reading jokes daily, sharing jokes with friends and watching humorous videos. This will keep you in circulation among your friends and also give you the necessary inspiration to do more work.

It will not be long before you will repeat the words of Emile Coue "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better"

Yes, organize your work at home and soon you will enjoy the fruits of your labor and succeed in your Internet Home Based Business.

Copyright © 2005 Kanaga Siva.

About the Author: Kanaga Siva has a wealth of experience in Marketing and also running his own Home Based Business. He now operates his Internet Marketing Business. Visit his website for Articles, Resources, Ideas and Advise to start a Home Based Business and for other recommended Programs.


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Free And Low Cost Offline Methods To Generate Traffic And Promote Your Home Based Business

By Kanaga Siva

A major concern of all Home Based Business Entrepreneurs is to get Traffic to their websites. Most entrepreneurs endeavor to promote their business online but, unless the website is ranked high in the major search engines, traffic will be hard to come by. This problem becomes more frustrating and demoralizing especially if you are new to Internet Marketing and with a low marketing budget.

Promoting your Internet Business Offline is a great way of getting over this problem and at the same time creating an image for yourself and your Home Based Business.

Given below are Popular, Free and Inexpensive Offline methods that I have successfully tried out and can be followed by most entrepreneurs in promoting their businesses Offline.

Word of Mouth:

Word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertising your business. Pass the word around about your Home Business and your website. Let your friends, acquaintances, kith and kin get to know about it. It will not surprise me if you come across a few people who are prepared to go out of the way and help you in your efforts.

Jeff Bezos the founder of and one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the Internet Marketing era places great importance to this mode of promotion, and he should know. He says "If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful"

Business Cards:

Many entrepreneurs and especially those who are new to business do not realize the importance, significance and effectiveness of a business card. The card projects your business image and credibility. Seize the opportunity and pass the card on to friends and acquaintances at parties, seminars, conferences, clubs and other functions. A place to get started is Vistaprint who will supply you I00 cards free of charge if you contact them.


An inexpensive method of promoting your Home Business Offline is by distributing Flyers. This can be produced by you in the computer. Provide all the details of your home business and your URL as briefly as possible.

This can be distributed door to door with the help of your family members. They can also be placed at community centers, bulletin boards, libraries, malls, super markets and other places where people gather.


A well designed brochure always captures the attention of people. This too can be done in the computer. If you are unable to design it yourself there are several sites in the internet that will help you design one yourself. One such site is Once it is ready, place them in clubs, bars, supermarkets and libraries.


Another inexpensive way of promoting your internet business Offline is to place bumper stickers or magnetic signs on your vehicles. Have your website address, phone number and URL displayed clearly. This is a sure way of getting your website noticed by hundreds or even thousands of people everyday. Your friends could also assist you in this endeavor. Give them some of your products free as an incentive.

Classified Ads and Write up:

Placing Classified Ads in the local newspapers is a great way of promoting your Home Business and they do not cost much either. Place a few ads on a regular basis and then request the editor to give your Home Business a small write up in the newspaper. Editors are always on the look out for news and if you are lucky your request will be granted. This will without doubt give your Home Business a great boost.

Novelties and Promotional Items:

Everyone loves free gifts. Items such as pens, key chains, coffee mugs and fridge magnets are popular and inexpensive gift items. Imprint your business name and URL on these items and distribute them at conferences, seminars and community meetings.

Promoting your Home Based Business Offline requires a certain amount of Effort, Public Relations and Organizational skills. Remaining Motivated and Dedicated is the secret of success here and the end result of all your endeavors will be a steady stream of Prospects, Loyal customers and Traffic to your Internet Marketing website.

Copyright © 2005 Kanaga Siva.

About the Author: Kanaga Siva has a wealth of experience in Marketing and also running his own Home Based Business. He now operates his Internet Marketing Business. Visit his website for Articles, Resources, Ideas and Advise to start a Home Based Business and for other recommended Programs.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Buying E-books On E-bay: E-bay The One-stop E-book Shop

By David Riewe

On September 1995, one of the most prestigious online shopping sites was founded. eBay is unique because it allows online shoppers, either as individuals or as a group, a wide variety of merchandise that they can buy, sell or trade within their community, their nation or even other with other countries.

eBay's merchandise reaches to 44 million things on sale at any given time and is added with more than four million of other things to be sold everyday. Their categories include antiques, collectibles, photography, computers, art, toys, electronics, stamps, jewelry, magazines, comics, pottery, e-books and many more.

Electronic books or more popularly known as e-Books are text materials designed to be portable. They are special books that uses a program that enable readers to read it through their hardware devices - like Personal Computers, laptops, palmtops and/or even mobile phones. They are so accessible and can be transferred from one computer to another using a network.

Since e-Bay is one of the country's leading online shopping site, they also provide a selection on must have e-Books. Shopping for e-Books is fairly easy, but one must need some basic online shopping knowledge before they are able to do so. A great recommended book would be eBay Bargain Shopping for Dummies (can be found at eBay) by Marsha Collier. This book would help all online shoppers who to discover the treasure of eBay shopping. Her book spills the beans on how to outwit and outbid your competition - which is a good way to find discounts on all the items up for grabs.

e-Books can be ordered online and delivered electronically to your computer (or mobile phone). This way, there is no shipping and tax expenses and you get your e-Book at a very low price. There are numerous sites that sell e-books in this manner.

On the other hand, Instant e-Books do not require additional software or other readers for customers to be able to immediately start reading their e-Books after installing it. And aside from that, there are many free e-Books and other articles written by "eBay gurus."

With eBay, e-Books are just a click away. What could be greater news to all book lovers out there?

About the Author: Visit David Riewes eBay Tips and download his latest FREE ebook, 101 eBay Tips.


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