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Monday, January 09, 2006

3 Necessary Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer

By Anthony White

What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business.

Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. Having researched some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business, listed below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business.

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.

Important Tool #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.

One of the best ways to do this – at no cost at all – is by submitting articles, with your website's link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your site. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it.

These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer.

Anthony White: I am always thirsty for knowledge & eager to share it. Please visit me at & or check out my favorite online earning opportunity at:
You may reprint this article, provided that no changes are made and this resource box is included.

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

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To our mutual online success,

Anthony White

P.S. Be sure to join my newsletter in the righthand sidebar for useful tips to grow your online income. I despise spam as much a you do, and will never sell, trade or give your information away.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Search Engine Ranking - Anchor Text Is The Key

By John Schwartz

Try an Experiment

If you have a web site, try this experiment when you have some spare time. Pick a nonsense phrase, like “bed happy meatball” or anything equally silly. Make sure it’s something very unlikely to appear on a web page anywhere, and make sure it’s a phrase (not a single word). Also, make sure it does not appear on your own site.

Next, get a few friends or co-workers with web sites of their own to post a link to your site using that exact phrase (without the quotation marks) as the anchor text. What’s anchor text, you ask? It’s simply the word or words that form the clickable part of a link.

Now, wait a while. Make a note to yourself to check your web site’s ranking in the results for a search of your chosen nonsense phrase at a major search engine in a month or two. Unless you picked a phrase that actually appears on other sites, you’ll find that your site is #1! Moreover, that’s in spite of the fact that the chosen phrase does not appear anywhere on your actual web site. Think about that.

An infamous, large-scale example of this same test involved the phrase “miserable failure.” Some enterprising bloggers got together a few years ago and decided to link lots of sites to the official biography page for President George W. Bush at the site. The goal, of course, was to make that page show up in the #1 position whenever unsuspecting (or in this case, many suspecting) searchers typed in that phrase. It worked. (Side note: at last check, Michael Moore – famous film maker and Bush detractor, was in the #2 position at Google for this same search). Again, keep in mind that the phrase “miserable failure” does not appear anywhere on either man’s web site.

Is There a Point?

OK, so why bother with this seemingly asinine experiment (that’s actually been dubbed ‘Googlebombing’)? Ahh, Grasshopper, for the lesson it imparts. Which is? Well, it points to the power of anchor text in determining search engine ranking. And it has definite relevance to your activities as a webmaster.

Many of your fellow site owners - including a lot of them who run sites in direct competition with yours – have never heard of anchor text. Some of you reading this may be unfamiliar with it. But, as should be clear now, anchor text plays a major role in search engine ranking positions.

In basic terms, it works like this…

Search engines rely on links to help them ascertain both the theme of a given web site and its popularity. Knowing that, consider two scenarios. In the first, your site has built up a lot of links pointing to it, and each one has your domain name as the clickable part of the link (anchor text). Let’s say your domain name is your company’s name, – and you sell baking supplies. OK, great – now your site will show up in the #1 position at the search engines whenever anyone searches for your domain name! Hmm. Think that one through. If they know your domain name, why would they need a search engine to find it?

In the second scenario, you have lots of links pointing to your bakery site, but instead of the domain name as the anchor text, you wisely chose a phrase that lots of people search for, like ‘baking supplies.’

Easy question: which would you prefer – being #1 at Google when people search for your domain name or being #1 when people search for bakery supplies? This is why the anchor text you choose for the links you build is so important.

A Plan of Action

Now, here’s a simple plan of action to improve your site’s link situation and search engine ranking going forward from this day…

Step 1 – Research Keywords

A great service is provided by the folks at They catalog search activity at the major engines, and then make available those numbers to the general public. You simply type in a word or phrase related to your site’s theme, and wordtracker shows you the number of times that entry is being searched at the major search engines. Cool, huh? The service will also give you a list of related terms, so you can look for other important search words to target.

Step 2 – Pick a Few and Get Some Links

Compile a list of several search terms that are most closely related to your site’s theme and that get searched for often. It’s up to you, of course, but you should pick those phrases that get a few hundred to several thousand searches. These will be the terms you use in the anchor text of the inbound links you build from now on. Doing so will really increase your site’s search engine traffic - once all your new links begin to boost your rankings.

Nothing Else Changes

Now, just carry on with your usual link building activities: reciprocal links, one-way links from directories and article distributions, etc. The only change is to make sure you choose a phrase from your list to use as the clickable part of the link you ask for (the anchor text). If you rotate your choices, your site will move up in the rankings for each phrase. The only downside is that you’ll be getting fewer links per phrase, so it may take longer for any single phrase to rank high.

Keep in mind that the phrases you pick will be popular, unlike those in the examples that began this article. To score high rankings, you’ll need to be diligent and get lots of links. Never stop! Over time, this strategy will really help your site’s traffic, but it does take time. As the famous poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, famously wrote: “All good things come to those who wait.”

© John Schwartz

About the Author: John Schwartz is a professional writer and web site publisher. He owns and operates - offering high quality, original web site content and articles for clients needing to improve link popularity, traffic, and search engine rankings.


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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Content & Links Share The Kingdom

By John Schwartz

If you run one or more web sites, you’ve probably heard it said many times: “Content is king!” The thinking goes something like this: if you provide lots of high quality content on your web pages, it will attract lots of visitors who will buy from you and spread the word to others. You’ll end up ‘king of the hill’ in your particular niche.

Let’s examine that notion a little more closely. For existing sites that already have listings in search engines, links on related sites, directory listings, etc., content is the thing that brings visitors back for more. If, however, you have a brand new web site, using a domain name that has not been previously used, what’s wrong with this picture? Simply put, it’s this: the best content in the world won’t get you visitors if people don’t know your site exists.

The Power of Link Popularity

That’s where the equally important power of links comes into the picture. The web’s foundation is the interlinking of web sites. Without links, every site would be a tiny island in a huge ocean that isn’t on any map. At no time is this fact more starkly evident than when you unveil a new site on a new domain. We’ve all been there. Not only does your new site get zero traffic, you can’t even hear crickets chirping – even they don’t know it’s there!

The solution, of course, is to let people know you’re out there by building link popularity. What’s ‘link popularity,’ you ask? It is the sum total of external web pages with links pointing to your site. This includes all the sites most webmasters target: search engines, directories, related sites, and unrelated sites.

As your site’s link popularity grows, two great things happen. First, all those links on other sites begin to drive visitors to your site. If most of those links are on sites in the same niche as your own, most of those visitors will be pre-screened. In other words, they will be people with an interest in your niche’s subject matter – not random visitors.

Second, link popularity plays a significant role in determining where your site will rank at the major search engines for searches related to your site’s theme. As you amass more inbound links, and depending on the words used in those links, your site will move up the rankings and you’ll see more and more traffic. Just as with links on related sites, this ‘organic’ (i.e., free) search engine traffic will consist of people who are actively seeking out your site’s information. Those are the visitors you must have to succeed! Best of all, you get those visitors without having to pay one penny for them!

The Power of Great Content

Once you have a steady flow of visitors surfing in to your site, the focus changes to the quality of the content they find there. Why? Because you want as many of those first-time visitors as possible to be impressed enough by what they find on your web site to bookmark it and spread the word to family, friends, and co-workers. You can’t buy better advertising than word-of-mouth from trusted sources like that!

Of course, great content will also encourage a higher percentage of your visitors to buy from you – your products, services, paid memberships, etc. Put it all together and it’s clear that excellent content will both make you more money and get your site more link popularity. It’s like an endless feedback loop that builds and builds as your site ages.

Why Successful Site Owners Concentrate on Both

But, the key in the beginning, when you’ve got a brand new site on your hands, is growing link popularity. Get that trickle of traffic started with those links; then let your great content do the lion’s share of the work to close the deal.

The growth of your site will constantly revolve around its dependence on content and links. Those who have made the comment, “Content is king!” a widely known catch phrase have really done a disservice to new site owners. A much more accurate (but less catchy) phrase is this one: “Content and links share the kingdom.”

© John Schwartz

About the Author: John Schwartz is a professional writer and web site publisher. He owns and operates - offering high quality, original web site content and articles for clients needing to improve link popularity, traffic, and search engine rankings.


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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Web Site Content Is A Balancing Act

By John Schwartz

One of the raging debates among web site publishers and SEO types is the tug-of-war between writing web site content for actual human visitors vs. the search engine spiders. Basically, it boils down to a question of impressing readers or making search engines happy so they’ll send you more traffic.

Well, here’s a novel concept: DO BOTH!

It’s really not difficult to walk the tightrope if you do some research first. We all want to write compelling content that will grab a reader’s attention and hold it. But, to get any readers in the first place, you need to provide content that people actually search to find. Hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you’re an expert on a rare bird that maybe 100 people in the world have ever heard of, all the writing you do online about it will go virtually unseen.

That’s the conundrum, in a nutshell. Fortunately, there’s a pretty simple solution. It’s called keyword research. Sounds boring, doesn’t it? Well, does it perk you up a bit to learn that spending a couple of hours doing it can be the difference between having a web site that collects dust and one that collects bucks? Thought it might.

What you want to do is build a list of keywords (single words and phrases) that are closely related to the theme of your site, then write a page of content full of information about each keyword. One keyword per page.

Now, here’s the key to it all. Don’t just pull a list out of the air (or, in this case, your own brain). Why not? Because the keywords you come up with may or may NOT be words that are actually searched for at the major search engines. You need to know for sure. In fact, knowing for sure is what separates a lot of successful niche web site owners from the masses of others who scratch their heads in puzzlement when their sites get very little free traffic.

Wordtracker is a Godsend

So, how can you find out which keywords that are related to your site’s theme are searched for and which are not? Suffice to say, there are several options, but the best is a service found at These fine folks compile massive amounts of data about the words searchers at the major engines type in when they search. Then they present this data in a straightforward, easy-to-read format that you can check quickly as you build your keyword lists.

You simply go there, armed with a basic idea of which keywords to check out, and wordtracker will give you a thumbs up or thumbs down on each one by telling you how many times each keyword has been searched. It can be very eye-opening. You’ll likely discover that some of your most cherished keywords are virtually worthless from a search engine traffic standpoint. You’ll quickly learn to check your assumptions at the door when you enter wordtracker’s site!

OK, once you’ve built a working list of keywords that you now know get used a lot by searchers at the major search engines, you’ll be way ahead of most of your competitors. The only remaining step is to write some high quality, informative, useful content about each keyword in your list and post it on your site. Remember: one keyword (which can be a single word or a phrase) per page!

If you make your content easy to read and chock full of interesting information, you’ll satisfy both elements mentioned at the beginning of this article. Your visitors will get great content, which will bring them back and convince some of them to link to your site. And, you’ll have built that content around keywords that are actually being searched for at the big engines. More searches = more traffic. It’s that simple.

You’ll have a web site that pulls in more and more free search engine traffic as you continue to add content built around your keyword list. Once on your site, your visitors will find information that interests them and, hopefully, compels them to bookmark your site, tell their friends and co-workers, and maybe even give you a link on their own sites!

That, my friends, is how you win at the web site game. As logical as this all sounds, very few of your competitors understand it, let alone actually do it. So, get to it! They’ll be eating your site’s dust while you collect all the bucks!

About the Author: John Schwartz is a professional writer and web site publisher. He owns and operates - offering high quality, original web site content and articles for clients needing to improve link popularity, traffic, and search engine rankings. Visit us today for more information.


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